Pricing, Terms and Conditions:

Please read thoroughly before contacting me.

As a freelancer on the ROBLOX platform, which does not in anyway moderate development agreements or transactions for its users, I have taken it upon myself to officially provide you with my own set of conditions. This helps you, the client, understand what you are agreeing to by contracting me. If I agree to work for you, you automatically agree to these terms- none of which are legally binding or anything like that. I expect that you can find these terms to be agreeable, as you are contracting me for work that can generally take anywhere from a few days, to months at a time. Having these terms helps me avoid working with clients that ultimately waste my time, or are scammers (of which there are many!). I will try to keep it as brief as possible.

Before contacting me, please consider which  of the following categories your request falls under, and please present that information along to me.

Thank you :)


Long-Term Projects

Generally speaking, my pricing depends heavily on my idea of exactly what you want. That is why I emphasize you be specific in your description. I will price my work and make an offer to you after you've given me these details. I reserve the right to affect my pricing based on my availability at the time of your request.

Factors that determine pricing, in order of importance:

  • How detailed you expect the build to be
  • When you need it done by (if applicable)
  • The relative scale of what you are asking to be built (NOT size, but rather HOW MUCH in total needs to be built)
  •  My estimated amount of complex features and work that would go into your build. For instance, integrating both parts and terrain in a map, making a model with complex geometry (think something like a table compared to a fighter jet).

NOTE: I probably will NOT accept promise of percent revenue as a payment method. I may be willing to negotiate on this if your project is promising enough, but definitely not without some other form of compensation.

General Terms:
  • I reserve the right to cancel the agreement at any time, for any reason. I try to never do this, and if it does happen I will work with you to transfer over whatever partially finished work exists for an appropriate price, if you desire it. Some reasons I might wish to do this could be client unresponsiveness (if you fail to be capable of communicating with me for lets say, weeks at a time), or if my real life has simply become too busy for me to continue the project.
  • Upon completion of the agreement, I expect the client to be respectful of the intellectual property which has been completed for them. Specifically, they are not permitted to freely distribute the assets to others, or try to pose it as their own work without giving me credit for it. Even if the contract was to elaborate on a game or asset which the client previously owned.
  • Following the first term, I expect the client or their trusted development team members to remain in good contact with me throughout the commission. I can't make something to the best of my ability if you cannot answer my questions. You or someone else should be able to respond to me in a timely manner, within 1-2 days at least. I also require this so I can see that you like the work being created.
  • EDITS DURING COMISSION: If you are unsatisfied with my job on something before it is done, I expect you to tell me as soon as you notice it so I can make appropriate changes. I am lenient with this generally, but if I find that you are requesting a considerable amount of editing to be done without proper reason or mistake on my part, I reserve the right to increase my pricing accordingly.
  • I require the client to show proof of funds before I start the job. 

A 'commission' involves you contracting me for a one-time job. This can range from an agreement for me to make anything from a small model, to a large map. The main difference being that I am not expected to work with you or a group for the long-term or make updates to the content I originally made. Of course, I am probably happy to be commissioned again by the same client, but it will require a new agreement to be made.

Long-Term Projects include requests for me to work as part of a studio or development group, continuing to work on a game or on certain assets for an undefined period of time. This generally entails the client or group having their own set of terms which they expect me to abide by. I am willing to consider deals like this- and in this case many of my terms and preferences can become more negotiable. In this case, I will generally expect payment to be made on a set basis.

General Work Preferences:
  • I will generally not take commissions for projects that do not personally interest me. 
  •  I generally dislike elaborating on the work of others, e.g. if you ask me to complete a city that someone else started. 
  • Similarly, I also prefer not to be required to work with other builders directly on the job.
  • I do not enjoy having to sift through game development organizers, like Trello, for example, to find the information I require in order to make your project the best it can be. I'd prefer to avoid this by instead keeping the information in our text channels on discord, or in a single text file such as a google doc.
How payment will work:

Acceptable payment methods include Paypal (preferred), Robux transfer through group payments, Wise, or Roblox virtual gift cards.

I do not charge an upfront free to get started before I've done any work!

How the compensation works can go one of two ways. I will either request full lump sum compensation, or I will request milestone payments.

Milestone payments are just a method of splitting the overall cost into smaller, more frequent payments. For instance, if I've done roughly 10% of the total work, I will request that you pay me 10% of the overall agreed price before I resume working. The frequency of these payments will be negotiated by us. PLEASE NOTE: I will ask for milestones if your project requires that I work in a team create, or if it is considerably large.

For a lump sum payment, after I've finished working, I expect the FULL payment to be transferred to me before I give you access to the work I've done.